Weekends In The Slow Lane - Ep.02

Second instalment of the WITSL side project. Joined by Sam, Connor & his girlfriend Remy who were over visiting from New Zealand. This trip was the highlight of 2019 for me, 4 days wasn’t enough, I’d still be under those trees now if I could be.

Plenty of hikes, plenty of beers and plenty of Sam’s constantly improving campfire cooking, you won’t find better.


Day 1 -

As though he’d never been away, we were straight back into the swing of talking shit and laughing for the journey west. Pitched up at our favourite camp spot, cracked open some beers and took an overcast wander through the dunes to the beach. An old broken sledge we found made for some fun dune-bombing before the rain, and the night, came in fast. Sam was back on camp-chef duties and he smashed it as always.

Day 2 -

It wouldn’t be a camping trip without bacon for breakfast, perfect fuel for our favourite hike to Llyn Dinas and round to Beddgelert. Luckily, dodging the worst of the weather, we stayed dry, only got lost once and found some cool old bones. Felt so good being back together with these guys, I wanted this trip to last a lifetime.

The river was running faster and higher than any of us had seen, it made the last stretch of the walk through the narrow valley even more dramatic than usual, especially the sections where the stone path juts out over the water. A furry ginger hitchhiker was picked up briefly along the way, unfortunately he rejected the offer of coming back to camp with us. His loss, he missed out on more of Sam’s one-pot campfire cooking skills. The man is a magician.

Day 3 -

The wind was insane over night, rocking the van and buffeting the tent pretty relentlessly, our small shanty town we had rigged up had been pretty much pulled apart. We decided to head into town for breakfast and a stroll on a quintessentially bleak and cold welsh beach, the best kind.

We were set on a tourist-y kinda day, showing Remy what Wales has to offer, obviously, castles were top of the list. The views from Harlech were awesome and we pottered around the coast to get fish and chips, another welsh classic.

Our last night was blessed by a stunning sunset, we stayed here for easily over an hour, watching the waves crash on the breakwater and the sky change colour. Sam cast out a few flys in the harbour (until eventually all he caught was himself, shout-out to the welsh guy with the pliers for saving Sam’s thumb).


If you’d like a print of any of these photos, shoot me an email.


Stockholm 2019


VHRA Pendine Sands