Shakedown Trip to The Peak District

After 10+ months off the road, following a catastrophic journey back from Snowdonia, it was time for a shakedown trip in the freshly heart-transplanted van. A journey with a stretch of motorway, a destination with plenty of hills. Where better than the Peak District? It had been a few years since my last visit with Tim & Alex.

Time to plan some hikes, some camp spots, some hearty meals and a playlist or 2.

Setting off at lunchtime on Sunday I headed for Ramshaw Rocks just outside of Buxton. A good looking, mostly level camp spot was waiting for me atop the first VERY steep drive of the trip, with some stunning views and geology to immerse myself in for the rest of the day. The next few days proved to be a good test for the van and for myself! I hope you enjoy.


Home - Ramshaw Rocks

Sunset At Ramshaw Rocks -

After spending a couple of hours climbing over the rocks admiring so many foreign textures and views, I wandered back to the van to cook up dinner. Lamb burgers were scoffed after craving them for weeks, what better setting to indulge.

As golden hour approached I climbed back up the rocks which were now glowing in the evening light, amidst patches of cloud, it made for a dramatic scene. I spent the rest of the evening watching the sun dip below the opposite ridge from a very windswept but comfortable hollow in the rocks, almost making my very own gritstone armchair.

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Day 2 -

After a peaceful sleep, a tasty breakfast and a strong coffee to start day 2, I took in the last views of Ramshaw Rocks and drove north into the Peaks, a brief stop at Solomon’s Temple in Buxton for a hit of nostalgia.

Next stop was a circular hike I’d found on AllTrails starting at Bamford Edge, through some open moorland to Stanage Edge and back again. This was a beautiful walk to properly start the trip, no massive inclines (I was still taking it easy post-covid 2 week prior), not many people and gorgeous views. I was dodging rain on the return part of the hike but that just made the views back into the valleys even more dramatic.

Buxton - Bamford & Stanage Edge - Mam Tor

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Sunset at Mam Tor -

From the very beginning of planning this trip I planned to spend a sunset and sunrise at Mam Tor. With some world-class parking spots below the summit it was a no-brainer to spend the best forecasted night & morning here. The conditions didn’t disappoint, views across the Edale valley at sunset can’t be beat in my opinion.

Mam Tor

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Sunrise at Mam Tor -

That familiar summer sunrise alarm was ringing, and I couldn’t of been happier to hear it. A short sharp walk up the hill from the van meant I could be at the summit in about 15 minutes, a pretty sweet backyard for a morning. I arrived before the sun broke the horizon, sat with a coffee for a while as the orange glow intensified before being blessed with more mind-blowing conditions as the mist rolled over Castleton and the Hope Valley.

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Alport Castles Hike -

After a slow morning and a killer breakfast I drove about 30 minutes to start a hike thats been on my list for a long time. I’ve seen heaps of photos from Alport Castles over the years and, given the name, have always wanted to see the formations for myself. The route I chose was a decent 15km I believe, starting at the end of Ladybower Reservoir I climbed through pines into more open moorland with amazing views back across the Peak District. It was a clear day, a VERY hot day, but I got lucky and had most of the hike to myself all day.

Mam Tor - Alport Castles

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Ladybower & Castleton -

Legs aching, it felt good to have bagged a decent hike after a fair few months of being stuck in London, I had a slow stroll around Ladybower Reservoir and a golden hour walk in Castleton, where I was staying for my last night.

Ladybower Reservoir - Castleton

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Last Morning -

For my last morning of the trip I headed back to the shores of Ladybower Reservoir. A gentle loop along the edge of the water before ascending into the trees. I’d love to do this hike again for sunrise or sunset, I spotted a great place to camp for the night so it’s definitely on the cards. A lovely conclusion to my first few days away in far too long.

Ladybower Reservoir



If you’d like a print of any of these photos, shoot me an email.


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